As the time draws nearer, just a quick update on Sunday’s championship.
Already some big names have confirmed their tee off time on Sunday, but it must also be noted that some even bigger (although that is up for debate) names have shocked the patrons by declining the invite.
Of course the current holder of the cup, broke back King, will be there an hour before his official time on Sunday. Quoting the injury plagued favourite at a press conference on Wednesday night when asked what his chances were at keeping the cup in Langa West (his current abode), he replied "More like what are the chances I won't win? This is my plan 'A' remember". Pretty big talk for a usually reclusive young man.
Other notables who have confirmed their places in the field so far include Charles 'Corey Pavin' Sanderoff; Robert Roux; Tim Florence and Jambles Charton. The Guru has put in a conditional acceptance, but it is dependent on whether he can finish summarising his Tax textbook again.
Did that just hit you like it did me? I am sure you just read the above paragraph twice..... you had to have. No I didn't forget to mention Dwayne Allenbrook...... nope, he has not yet confirmed his place in the elite field. Rumour has it that his agent has some problems with one of the clauses in the contract. I don't want to get stuck in this hornets nest of lies and deception though. Lets just move on.....
It is rumoured the Rosslee brothers may be sending a representative. It is not quite sure yet whether it will be the piano carrier or the piano player. Maybe both?
Just drop a comment to cement your place. Everyone is welcome (I mean come on guys, Rob Roux is going to be on show!), but spaces are limited.
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