Sunday, June 29, 2008

Story telling.

What makes a good story?

What separates the good from the mediocre?

Could it be that the story teller has the freedom to say whatever he or she pleases. Whether to base the story on fact or fiction. Here on the playroom this gets abused.

Who the story is about is also key. When the author writes about other people it makes for better reading if it's based on fiction. If, however, the author decides to write about himself he uses fiction only to sugar coat the story, otherwise it's driven by fact.

Another very powerful tool is omission. It would be silly to write an embarrassing story about yourself and omission is therefor a very necessary tool. It becomes useless, though, if what you're leaving out is known by others. Hence this article...

What Jake failed to mention in his article titled 'post match' is the reason he was removed from his weekend home. In fact he sidestepped it altogether. I know you're all wondering why he got asked to leave, not for the first time I might add. Well kids it's quite simple. In fact I think he put it at no.1 on his 'how to get kicked out a nightclub' list.

I found this list and present you a snippet that features entries from other well known players:

How to get kicked out a nightclub by the greatness:

3. Score the DJ's girlfriend right in front on the DJ booth. (the name)
2. Sneak up behind the bouncer and pop a balloon right in his face. (spin jizzard)
1. Take off your jeans (and boxers) and flash everyone on the dance floor, then play with it as the bouncer approaches. (the great himself)

I mentioned earlier something about the author's ability to use fiction as and when he pleases. I wish I could say I've used this tool today but I'm afraid to say folks, I haven't.

Let this be a lesson to you kids out there. This behavior isn't cool. It's embarrassing. Grow up.

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