With the construction of my summer body on hold due to the impending exams, I decided to get things back on track. The weather was not playing its part however, but none the less, the show must go on. Beauty is pain. With these idioms running through my head I started weighing up my options and making my choice of running partner. First kids let me just stress that in such situations a running partner is imperative. They perform a few vital tasks that are of the utmost importance to the social runner (ie a runner without any real drive and willingness to push themselves). 1) They provide entertainment either in the form of friendly banter or witty humour. 2) They add keen knowledge of shortcuts and best routes to take. And 3) Most importantly they are there so that you will not stop running when you get tired for fear of feeling like a doos.
Taking all my options into consideration, I made my choice wisely. I would choose a Tour Party(A couple of runners grouped together to gain the maximum benefit in terms of the three criteria listed above). The Name was the first on the list, our competitive natures would more than cover 3). Next, The Pecan Farmer and Rozzels. The Pecan Farmer had a shocking excuse, citing studying as his reason, while Rozzels did not even answer the phone. The Name however was amped.
So, in the pouring rain, The Name and I set off on our way. It was a rather pleasant run that took us in and around Rondebosch, up to UCT and back again. All in all a good days work seeing that we had covered 9,74km(Google Earth 2007) in the pouring rain where all else feared to tread. It was with a great smile that I took off my shoes and rested my now weary legs. Where next? Who knows...
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