After almost a year in the dulldroms, Mowbray golf course has been reclassified as a golf course to the delight of its loyal members. The greens now at least give their name some respect rather than the brown roads they were for most of the winter. They aren't exactlty Augusta National, but hey - they play.
Oh and it also seems that the couple of weeks sunshine that Cape Town has dished up lately has meant the course is suprisingly dry. The news will delight Shank who will now be able to tap his toes on his back swing like Frank Sinatra without getting his shoes too wet.
The revival of the golf course promted me to organise a few times at the course on Sunday afternoon. The times are 12.49 and 12.56pm. The semi-final is only at 9pm so no need to worry about that, so put your hands up if you would like to play!
Oh and I have also got a time on Monday at 2.15pm if guys are keen to get out there and correct their mistakes from the day before.
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