Monday, March 9, 2009

Perfect Market Conditions (PMC)

It was a hectique weekend for all concerned. The stormers were crap, SA Cricket was even worse, and I'm sun burnt. Well not too badly actually, just a bit rosy around the cheeks, but its slightly uncomfortable, but more about that later.

I'm feeling a little bleak this morning. Nothing I can put my finger on, just a general feeling of uneasiness. You know, that minge feeling you have when you are LC'ing about not studying for a test or you have to face your mates after scoring a fat bird. Don't get me wrong, I don't reeeeaaaly have anything serious to complain about, ill prob just file this under a Monday morning moan(alliteration, nice).

I rarely get very bleak at work to spite what most may think. Its really not that bad. But something that tweaks me to no end is office politics. Its painful. Often you want to tell a brain dead co-worker/boss to F@#k off and get laid, but alas, that would get you fired. Its unfair really, can you imagine how cool the office environment would be if you were free to say what you pleased? Ill call this unlikely phenomenon Perfect Market Conditions or PMC as it will come to be known. It would be a wildly entertaining place! Imagine, the following scenario:

Boss: "Chuck have you finished that report I asked you to do, you know, the one for the important client I left on your desk at 5pm on Friday?"

Current Reply:
Chuck"No Sir, I was busy finishing my clients performance stats, ill get it done right away for you."

Reply under Perfect Market Conditions (PMC)
Chuck:"Well, I left early on Friday so I could get 18 holes of golf in before I got smashed and had a threesome with your wife and a Russian stripper. So that's a resounding NO to your query you irritating man. PS Tell your wife I need my handcuffs back."

Can you imagine? Wow it would make work a massive vibe!! pleasant...

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