How good do you feel after you have just been for a run? A person definately has a sense of accomplishment. Albeit you are about to undo any good you have done by wrecking yourself on the rocks at tiger tiger, but thats another story altogether. I am referring to that warm feeling you get when you know you have pushed yourself. Ahhhh. It makes one happy.
It has also been noted that there are a few boys and girls around the greater Cape Town area that are looking a little worse for wear this winter as they have over indulged a little in their stock piling for the cold. Running training is a great way to shed this unwanted padding and to start getting the body summer ready.
With this in mind, The Gun Run is coming up on the 12th October. The Half Marathon will be contested over 21.4km of Cape Town's finest running surfaces. It is a rather flat half marathon by all accounts, thus some PB's(Personal Best's for all you non-running folk) could be shattered. I for one will be entering along with a few of Cape Town's biggest names. So, lets get a group as big as possible and make a vibe of it. Come on, you cant stay useless all your life.
Do it.
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